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Who is Gerardus Le Monk

Gerardus Le Monk picks up the ends that Twilight Ritual had left after recording "Rituals" in 1982. He explores the shady sides of our futile human existence, returning a soundtrack that eases the pain.

"Gerardus Le Monk" is Twilight Ritual band member Geert Coppens' new cover for his solo work, started up in February 2003 as the "Das Cabinett" project whose discography consists of the full CD's "POW!", "Protect me from freezing" and "Virusmaker 1.1".
As Geert shared the Das Cabinett project with vocalist Wesley De Jonghe (plans were made for live performances) and he decided to abandon this project name after Wesley had left. All releases are now under G. Le Monk.

The Project

Releases by G. Le Monk are not that different from the sound atmosphere presented above.. Except for the less frequently used vocal parts, the music still sounds very post-modern by its frequent referring to eighties pop, nineties ambient, and seventies megalomania. But this eclectic style (cross-over) is not a goal "an sich" for most tracks are like figures in a manual, illustrations in some encyclopedia, giving clues and hits about to visualize meaning. People listening to the music often use the label "Dark Ambient". It's OK as far as this is meant to generally introduce a kind of musical genre, but it should be wrong to reduce the Monk sound structures to just music for films. One may look at the tracks as different chapters from a novel that consists only of sound, for the lack of words is meant to be filled in by the listener.